
I'm hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pain is squeezing inside of me.
But i guess time will heal the wounds
I guess time will come that i can breathe again
I guess in time I will learn to forget this feeling and completely let go of it.
I know God will never fail me and you whoever you are feeling the same way I'm feeling right now...If only (and I really hope) we can learn how to accept things that God wants us to accept with all our hearts and souls.

The problem with me and you is that we don't want what God wants for us we always struggle for what we feel in our impulse not with God's will.

Each time I struggle i got only hurt and feel more pain, then I turn to God to make Him see how hurt i'am to all His decision that I refused to accept and wanting him to give me things that maybe...rather...things that he did not want for me.

i know I'm not the only one who felt this way sometimes and feel ashamed afterwards.
Ashamed...because I know and we all know that God never leave us and will never forsaken us no matter how bad our actions, but instead He will stay by our side and embrace us...did it not come to your mind if God is crying while embracing you tight in order for you to be saved from the darkness, sin and sorrow? GOD IS GOOD. GOD IS GREAT. He only wants happiness for us and feel the eternal love He gave us ever since and nothing more. We are lucky, we are the best for Him

I feel bad and sorry for my bad actions and deeds...(I know...I feel it)but you know what? I'am hoping that i could live to what is best and do things right...not just in my mind or in my words but to have courage to apply it my everyday life so when i'm gone I'am ready to face Him...smiling...tell know what God even though I broke your wills before I learn and manage to do things in your way surrendering to you before I reach the half of my time in the world that has a beauty that reflects your heart...

GOD IS GOOD, GOD IS GREAT, GOD IS THE BEST OF ALL THE REST!!!! hehehehehe! yahoo! hold me, hold us forever Amen.


Lena said…
just keep on loving God and all good things will follow

kase, if u love HIM it is impossible not to love others is impossible not to do good is impossible not to do His will

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