to all the girls out there
Do you know how to pray? bible said be specific..and if theres any prayers that you cant put in to words God Spirit will help you. We had our cellgroup last week; my cellgroup leader told us what God revealed to her while praying. When we are asking God about our GPW(fm malen's vocabulary(God's Perfect Will)) we want God to revealed our man to us..we are always in search, right? Eve was brought to Adam -that was God revealed to my leader. So now in praying for our GPW, we should ask God to bring us to our prince...hehehehe.. Happy Trip na lang Woman of God! But first we should grow individually with our God. let our souls, hearts and minds grow in Christ. remember you attract who you are. And behind every man's failure is a woman. Woman was created by God to be a suitable helper for Man to bring out the best in them not the worst.